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Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Handbücher und Anleitungen zum Download.

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On this page you can find manuals and instructions for download.

You can't find what you are looking for? Please directly write to your contact at Discom. We will be happy to mail to you additional documentation which is not available for direct download.

TasAlyser Manuals

General overview of the Discom Production Test system and suite:
Discom Production Test System.

TasAlyser User Manual in

Schulungsmaterial / Training Material

Introduction and training material for Rotas Noise Analysis System: Discom Basic Training

Extended material for Rotas Noise Analysis System: Rotas Extended Training (English)


Short manual for “Talimer” limit curve generation tool: Talimer-En.pdf

Kurzes Handbuch für den „Talimer” zur Erzeugung von Grenzkurven: Talimer-De.pdf

Setup and Installation

Handbuch zur Kommunikation mit dem Prüfstand: „Discom Prüfstandskommunikation”
Manual for communication with test stand control: “Discom test stand communication”

TAC torsional accelerometer installation guide: TAC Installation Guide

When exchanging the Tas Box for a new type (like moving from Tas08 to Tas28): Tas Box Settings Transfer

Indications for Vibration Sensor Defects

Kalibrierung / Calibration

Anleitung zum Kalibrieren: Discom Kalibrierung
Instructions for calibration: Discom Calibration
Instructions for calibration in Español: Discom Calibración
Instructions for calibrating a TAC torsional accelerometer: TAC Calibration

Verschiedenes / Mixed Topics

How to do a Project Backup: Project backup and Folders and Tas Backup Tool quick reference.

Which files to send us for support (please ask first what is needed in your case): Discom Files for Support

About “absolute and relative order scaling”.
Über „absolute und relative Ordnungs-Skalierung”.

How to use “Inspector Q”.
Wie man „Inspektor Q” verwendet.

How to find a “Minidump Debug File”.

How to change the language of the parameter database user interface.

Präsentation, Marvis / Presentation, Marvis

Handbücher für das Präsentationsprogramm / Marvis sowie den Archiv-Collector finden Sie unter Presentation.

Manuals for the Presentation application / Marvis and the Archive Collector are located at Presentation.

Server, Collector, Web.Pal

Simple introduction into the WebPalViewer tool: WebPal Starter

Extended WebPalViewer Manual: WebPalViewer User guide — start reading from page 10 if you have already a running installation.

General information about result database infrastructure and involved applications: Discom Server Software Training

About the Collector Service and what to do if it does not work: Collector Problem Tracking

How to test the (network) connection to a SQL database server using Windows tools: Testing SQL Server Connection

How to temporarily suspend archive file transfer to server in TasAlyser.


Deutsche Schnellstart-Anleitung: „TasWavEditor Grundlagen”

English Quick Start Guide: “TasWavEditor Basic Usage Guide”

Chinese Quick Start Guide: “TasWavEditor Basic Usage Guide in Chinese”

Hardware, Datenblätter / Hardware, Product Sheets


Tas Box Front Ends:

Hints for exchanging a Tas Box for a new type (like changing from Tas08 to Tas28): Tas Box Settings Transfer

Additional Devices:

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